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Award for SpaceTimeWorks at the ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2012 Conference

In News: November 10, 2012

Team with the winners! SpaceTimeWorks recent contribution in the development of advanced, new space-time analysis tools was recognized at the 20th ACM SIGSPATIAL (International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems 2012; ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2012) conference that took place between November 6-9, 2012 at Redondo Beach in California. Specifically, SpaceTimeWorks owner Dr. Alexander Kolovos and his collaborators Dr. Hwa-Lung Yu and Mr. Shang-Jen Ku from the National Taiwan University won the Best Demonstration Award for their participating paper: "Advanced Space-Time Predictive Analysis With STAR-BME".

According to the conference website, the ACM SIGSPATIAL conferences "...[aim to bring] together researchers, developers, users, and practitioners in relation to novel systems based on geo-spatial data and knowledge, and [foster] interdisciplinary discussions and research in all aspects of geographic information systems". The conference is known to be a very competitive event in the GIS field: According to the ACM SIGSPATIAL 2012 data, out of 234 submissions 35 were accepted as full papers, 9 were accepted as demonstration papers, 44 were accepted as posters, and there were 3 submissions accepted in the Ph.D. showcase category. Submissions are peer-reviewed by a set of 100 external reviewers.

At the end of the event, awards are presented to the best submission in each one of the above categories. In this competitive environment, the work that SpaceTimeWorks and its collaborators co-authored and presented to the attendees won the Best Demonstration Award in the demonstration paper category.

SpaceTimeWorks is excited at receiving this recognition and congratulates our collaborators for the excellent joint work that led to this award. We invite you to share this excitement with us, and put our award-winning expertise to work for your spatial and space-time analysis projects!


Introducing New GIS Tools for Space-Time Analysis

In News: September 10, 2012

Experience the SpaceTimeWorks contribution in new, exciting research tools that aim to help users of Geographic Information Systems. Our company will be present at the 20th ACM SIGSPATIAL (International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems 2012; ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS 2012) conference that takes place between November 6-9, 2012 at Redondo Beach in California.

Meet with SpaceTimeWorks, LLC owner Dr. Alexander Kolovos, who will be making a demo presentation of a new GIS software module for spatiotemporal predictive analysis. The module was developed under the supervision of the SpaceTimeWorks collaborator Dr. Yu at the National Taiwan University. A related demo paper was accepted for publication at the conference proceedings during the very competitive selection process of ACM SIGSPATIAL 2012.

The Association for Computing Mmachinery (ACM) SIGSPATIAL conferences are a series of symposia and workshops that began in 1993 with the aim of bringing together researchers, developers, users, and practitioners in relation to novel systems based on geo-spatial data and knowledge, and fostering interdisciplinary discussions and research in all aspects of geographic information systems.You can also visit the SIGSPATIAL website for more information. 


SpaceTimeWorks, LLC Actively Present at JSM2012

In News: January 30, 2012

SpaceTimeWorks supports scientific dialogue and bringing together experts at space-time statistics. The company will be present at the Joint Statistical Meetings 2012 conference to be held in San Diego between July 28-August 2, 2012. SpaceTimeWorks, LLC owner Dr. Alexander Kolovos organizes a topic-contributed session that is titled "Predictive Methodologies and Analysis of Spatiotemporal Data in Environmental Research". The session hosts oral presentations from space-time analysis specialists, and is sponsored by the American Statistical Association Section on Statistics and the Environment.

JSM (the Joint Statistical Meetings) is the largest gathering of statisticians held in North America. It is held jointly with the American Statistical Association, the International Biometric Society (ENAR and WNAR), the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, the Statistical Society of Canada, and the International Chinese Statistical Association, and the International Indian Statistical Association.

Attended by more than 6,000 people, meeting activities include oral presentations, panel sessions, poster presentations, continuing education courses, an exhibit hall (with state-of-the-art statistical products and opportunities), career placement services, society and section business meetings, committee meetings, social activities and networking opportunities.

Visit the JSM2012 website for more information. 


SpaceTimeWorks, LLC Website Launch

In News: January 30, 2012

January 30, 2012 marks the inaugural day of the official SpaceTimeWorks, LLC website on the world wide web. We have assembled a collection of pages that define our identity. We focused on simplicity and informativeness through a signature design, and hope that you like this effort.

We aspire to render the SpaceTimeWorks website a channel for communication and development for researchers and scientists that are interested in space-time analysis. We are looking forward to your comments and recommendations; you can let us know by visiting out Contact page.

Space-Time Imaging
